Donnerstag, 10. Januar 2008
Here will I put up-dates and prophetic insight about Germany...
Here I will put some things of my heart about my nation, germany...
GERMANY ...when God
           out brokenness
                      writes history... GERMANY GERMANY
 Churchplaning Ministry (Saxonia)
 School for Spiritual Churchrenewal (with english link)

Fatherheart of God
 Launching the Love of the Father in Germany by preaching,               teaching, networking and coming face to face
 Fatherheart School for Multiplyers (only german so far)
 & give Seminar‘s and Meeting‘s about Topic‘s like:
Living in the presence of God *
 Hearing the voice of God *
Prophecy *
Ministryteam Training *
Character of a Leader *
The Fatherheart of God *
Soaking *
and other...             This side is still under construction!
network |ˈnetˌwərk|
verb [ trans. ]
interact with other people to exchange information and develop contacts
equip |iˈkwip|
equipped | equipping
supply with the necessary items for a particular purpose
In Germany I‘m involved as councellour/advicer and leader
                                    in different teams and Networks...